...Of Her! Savana turned 8 months old on Friday. She started to say "mom" this week and it just melts my heart! And these pix! They couldn't bring out her sweetness any better. I am so blessed to be her mom!
The girls are having so much fun this summer already! Baylee started a great summer camp that she just loves because one of the things they do everyday is swimming! Here she is showing off her new princess back pack for camp! While Baylee is gone in the mornings, Savana is watching the World Cup with mom and learning how to crawl! Life is good!
My girls are moving up! Baylee finished her 2-3 year old pre-school class and had her end of the year program this past week and she did great! Here are a few pix. She got a double stroller for having such a great year and for performing so good on stage! She is so proud to push two of her favorite babies around now! I started potty training Savana this past month too! She goes everyday for me and just loves her new seat!