Rodeo Fun

Baylee and I went to the Homestead Rodeo yesterday and rode a real bull and didn't even get bucked off!!! Don't worry he was tame! Baylee loved all the horses which she calls "yeehaas" and bulls and even went on a pony ride all by herself! It was a lot of fun!!

Baby Bryce & Baby Gaby

This week I got together with my 2 best friends from Dental School and their babies! It was so nice to see each other again and Baylee just loved playing with Bryce and Gaby!Baylee and Baby Bryce
Baylee and Baby Gaby

New Years Day 2009!

Happy New Year Everyone! We welcomed 2009 with a long bike ride through Shark Valley on New Years Day. No, there are no sharks but there are tons of alligators and Florida wild life! In a couple of hours we saw about 50 alligators and half of them were little babies! It was a fun and beautiful sunny day to start off the year!