Another Update...
I am almost 37 weeks along and went to the doctor today for another ultrasound to look at my little baby's kidneys, and they are doing better! Thank you for everyone's prayers. Her kidneys are not as dilated as before. So hopefully they will be in the normal range by the time she is born. Everything else is perfectly healthy though! From the ultrasound the doctor already estimated that she is 7 lbs. too! She is going to big baby like Baylee. However, my stomach is still measuring 2 weeks smaller. It explains the sciatica I have had for a week now though. She is sitting really low and deep and putting a lot of pressure on my back. THERE IS NO WORSE PAIN THAN THIS, I TELL YOU!!! If anyone has ever experienced sciatica you know what I am talking about, and being pregnant with it makes the pain so much worse. I am more than excited for her to get here now. I hope I survive this back pain until she gets here!
Front Flips
After Gymnastics last week, Baylee's coach comes out and says you will never believe what your daughter did today in class. She said that Baylee did a front flip on the trampoline and landed on her feet all by herself! She said she has never seen a 2 year old just do that on her own! I wasn't too surprised because she is always jumping and flipping off everything. She is too wild! I am just praying that she doesn't get herself hurt! I couldn't get her on video in gymnastics but here she is showing us how she does a front flip into the pool!
Pregnancy Update
Here are pix at 33 weeks. Only 7 more until D-Day! I went to my appointment this week and my doctor said that I haven't gained any weight since my last check up 2 weeks ago and that I am still measuring at 31 weeks. I went to a specialist to have a more detailed ultrasound to check our little girl and she measured 4 lbs 6 oz. That was perfect the doctor said. However her kidneys are a little bit dilated where she is retaining too much urine(fetal pyelectasis). The doctor said that it is a pretty common thing and that they would be checking her in 4 weeks to see if it has resolved. If it hasn't it should go away in the first few months after birth. We are really hoping because sometimes it doesn't. Please keep her in your prayers for us. Louis and I started taking a hypnobirthing class this week too and I love it! I highly recommend it as a relaxation technique to prepare for labor...hopefully it works for me! I am trying for an all natural VBAC- yikes!

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