Here are some pix from the hospital...
Cruising in between contractions...gotta love that birthing ball!
First Pic with mom and dad...just seconds after the delivery!

Savana meets her Omi!
Savana's first diaper change.
Baylee meets her baby sister for the first time. The moment she's been waiting for her entire short life! Baylee hasn't stopped smiling yet. She absolutley loves and adores her little sister. It is too precious!

Once she held her, it was neverending...

And the first of many many kisses begin!
Proud Opa meets Savana!
Uncle Roger and Desiree come to visit too!

Going home after 1 day in the hospital...yeah!
I think those cute big cheeks were the reason for my 3 hours of pushing!

Once she held her, it was neverending...
And the first of many many kisses begin!

Proud Opa meets Savana!
Going home after 1 day in the hospital...yeah!