Special Delivery...

After 23 LONG hours of NATURAL labor (3 hours of pushing!!!!), I was able to deliver my baby girl in a successsful VBAC. Savana Dahn made her debue on Sunday October 25th, 3 days after her due date. Her delivery was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life, but I had the most gratifying reward in the end. The pain was worth every second after finally seeing my baby girl for the first time! I had the most wonderful doula and the best support team from Louis and my mom! I could not have done it without them or my OB, who I think is the best doctor in the world! Thank you to all!!!

Here are some pix from the hospital...

Cruising in between contractions...gotta love that birthing ball!

First Pic with mom and dad...just seconds after the delivery!
Savana meets her Omi!

Savana's first diaper change.

Baylee meets her baby sister for the first time. The moment she's been waiting for her entire short life! Baylee hasn't stopped smiling yet. She absolutley loves and adores her little sister. It is too precious!

Once she held her, it was neverending...

And the first of many many kisses begin!
Proud Opa meets Savana!
Uncle Roger and Desiree come to visit too!

Going home after 1 day in the hospital...yeah!

I think those cute big cheeks were the reason for my 3 hours of pushing!


Jen said...

Alice, how in the world do you look so gorgeous after 23 hours of labor!!???? I know what 3 hours of pushing is like-I think Scott was more traumatized from that than I was! What a stunning family! We wish you nothing but joy and unending love from your darling princesses. Congratulations to the whole family!

Skye said...

i love her chubby cheeks so much. congrats again!all nateral wow you are great and you looked even better you don't even look like you broke a sweat! so glad she is here!

allison said...

23 hours of labor and 3 hours of pushing??? Natural??!?!?! You are my new idol. I thought I had it rough for 1 1/2 hrs of pushing when I tried natural! She is beautiful, I love the chubby cheeks!

Emily said...

Wow, her cheeks are to die for. I want to kiss them. You look great. We like Lou in his G's.

Nat said...

So just when the folks here in Utah think Alice can't get any more amazing--you drop this one on us. After 11 years in L&D, I think I can count on one hand the patients I've had that did what you did. What's next? Everest?

Jake & Hillary said...

Congrats! She is beautiful!

Doug & Jen said...

She is so adorable!! We can't wait to come and see her. Dallin and Brooke are so excited to talk to Baylee about her new little sister. I love all the pictures and you look amazing!! Congratulations!

Russ, Julie, and Kids said...

She is beautiful!!! How exciting for Baylee to have a baby sister! You look so great! We hope everything is going well. We miss you guys, and are so happy to see some pictures of the new little addition. What a darling family!

Rena said...

She came the day after mine and courtney fabrizios birthday!
Congrats on going natural. It is a huge accoomplishment. The recovery is so much better!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Ali, that was the most beautiful moment of my life to be there with you when sweet little Savana open her eyes up to her adoring Mom. she took her first sweet breath surrounded by touching serenity of caring und loving people.What a mirale!
We love you all so much,
Mom & Dad