Baylee turned 3 on Feb. 1st! Besides being sick (you could never tell) she had a great day! We opened family presents at home and then went to Chuck E. Cheese for her birthday party where she invited a few friends. She insisted on a Diego party too. I even walked her down the isle at the party store to show her all of the different girl party themes, but no, she only wanted Diego. I even asked about having a Dora & Diego party, but she only wanted him. So a Diego party it was. But it turned out a lot of fun and it made her the happiest!!!
In the morning she woke up to balloons in her room (thanks to the Huntsman family tradition that we just love!).

Baylee got a keyboard and microphone from Louis and I.

Louis and Baylee breakin' it down!

She got her first Princess Dress too!

Partying it up at Chuck E. Cheese!

Birthday Cake time! This year I didn't have to make Baylee's cake because she really wanted an ice cream cake (she doesn't like cake anyway, only ice cream). So I was off the hook and all I had to do was decorate it with some Diego stuff and she was so happy!

Baylee has been such a joy in our lives. She is the one who made us parents and we couldn't be prouder. There is so much we love about her! Here are just a few things. We just love how she has so much energy and wants to try everything in the world. How she just loves gymnastics and swimming and to play hide and go seek and chase and ride her bike all day long. How she is so proud to be a big sister. She just adores Savana and is my best mommy helper. She helps me vacuum, wash & dry clothes, fold laundry, cook, clean...etc. (no joke!) She can even change her sister's wet diaper all by herself from start to finish (don't worry I am watching her). Her favorite food besides fruit snacks is chocolate (that's my girl!) She loves to sing and dance and perform constantly. We love her imagination too. She comes up with the wildest stories! She is our first little sweetheart and angel and we love her very much!