2 Week Photo Shoot & Constant Attention

My little Savana is 2 1/2 weeks old and is such a sweet girl. She is still a very easy baby, sleeping most of her little life away. Her sister on the other hand has been more than a handful! As much as Baylee loves to help with her baby sister, she has been really jealous lately. Here are some of the things she has done to try to get my constant attention:

1. piddling on the floor!
2. covering her entire naked body with a brand new bottle of Desitin (not easy to wash off btw!)
3. emptying 2 large bottles of baby powder on the carpet (at least the room smells good)
4. picking up fresh dog poop with her bare hands from the backyard and bringing it in the house
5. wetting the bed (something she has only done once in her life and it was a long time ago!)
6. walking around with a diaper she put on herself and having one of Savana's binkys in her mouth at the same time
7. having to wear one of Savana's bibs every time she eats now
8. spilling everything that can possibly be spilled and make a huge mess
9. begging for me to nurse her
10. wanting me to give her a sponge bath with Savana
11. and constantly needing me to help her with EVERYTHING! Even though she can do all of it herself
It has been really hard since all of our families have left and I have been on my own. I just pray that this phase passes quickly!


kylee said...

Oh Alice, those pictures are adorable!! And as for Baylee, SHEESH!! I can see now that Brynlee was pretty easy on me. That does not sound like fun at all! I hope for your sake that it passes fast too! Good thing she's so darn cute so it's hard to be too mad at her :)

Emily said...

My fav pic is the 4th one down, with her mouth in an o. Cute! As for Baylee...what a (beautiful) little stinker. I really had to laugh at some of those, not the messy ones, those I feel for you, but the walking around in Savana's diaper with a binki in her mouth, funny. Just know that this stage will pass, I swear it happens every time. Isak was 4 when Colter was born and he still had to adjust.(As in tantrums and such.) Love you.

Mary said...

She's absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations!

allison said...

she is so precious. I also hope we can meet your sweet little Savana over the holidays!

Pryors said...

Alice she is adorable! I want to squeeze her. Congrats! As for little Baylee keep in mind how much her little life just changed. Kennedy had a hard time when Krew was born too. In fact reading your list reminded me of some of the things she did. It does pass - I remember doing a few things that helped. Nursing was the hardest time for me, so I made a box that had special things for Kennedy to play with or a favorite show for her to watch during that time. The other thing I remember doing is Mommy and Kennedy time. It was hard to do with the new baby schedule but worth it because it meant lots to Kenz. One time we went to a movie another time we went and fed the ducks. Hope it gets better for you soon! I remember getting so mad but mostly sad seeing her behavior. Good luck!

Stranger_in_Williston said...

It's okay Alice, she is totally normal. Missoni didn't do all of those things, but she would sit right in the middle of her bed and pee!Talk about make me mad! Your new baby is so adorable. I love the picts.

Anonymous said...

hi doctor Isom its me nathalie your old old assistant I sill keep track of your lovely family..miss you lots and your girls are too adorable...email me nathaliemr14@gmail.com...

Courtney said...

Ok so we have played phone tag long enough! I know Cory & Louis have talked & Louis seems to say everything is great! Funny! Cory was never around much to be able to see what I went through during the day! Oh well, I do laugh about it now! Like how I had to bust Bryson's door down with a little tyke's chair, because he locked all of us in, and Breya was screaming in the other room in her crib! I was not happy then, but What a hilarious memory now!