August 2007 - Family Beach Pictures


Emily said...

Testing one two three...Alice do you read me??

Jake & Hillary said...

I am having way to much fun with these pictures. I love what you did with them!!!

Anne said...

Yeah! I can see your comments! Good job! So those picturs are SO good! Who took them? I love the one of Baylee standing up and you two are hold her hands. Adorable!

cynde isom said...

Hi. I love these new pics. Who took them? I want some copies. I'm thrilled people think Baylee looks like me..she's beautiful!!!! love, grandma!!

Pants said...

Alice, These pictures are so beautiful they make me want to weep! I was just thinking how amazingly strong the family bond is even when things get so spread out and you don't even really know everyone. We're family, and beyond that we are a great family! I love your blog.

Anonymous said...


The pics are GREAT~ Lil Baylee looks SO much like an Isom when she's all serious and scrunching her face up (not in a bad way, Isom's) BUT, when she is smiling- it's Uhlir all the way! I love that wonderful mix of both of you in a walking, thinking, living little joy!!! I can't wait to see you all again- hopefully soon!

Love C